Thursday, May 3, 2018

How LED's Are Changing The Holiday Season

Every year, millions of cities, towns, villages, stores and homes get decorated for Christmas and the other holidays happening at this time of year. But did you realize that over the last decade there has been a seismic shift in how we decorate? It's a change you might not have noticed, but is certainly affecting how we see the season nonetheless.

The change is happening due to the emergence, and new dominance of LED lighting. LED stands for light emitting diode. This technology has been around for decades, in fact, they were invented in the 1960's and are now over 50 years old. However, it's taken decades for them to get established as a real option for homes, businesses, governments and organizational use. This is mainly because the technology was expensive to produce when in its infancy. However, in the last decade or so, the initially high price of LED lights has come down substantially, making it comparable to other lighting sources. Thanks to this, and the many other advantages and benefits of LED lights, like space saving, energy saving, durability and customization, LED's have finally earned their place in the lighting arena.

One place that these lights have come to dominate is holiday decorating. When you pass homes in your neighborhood that are lighted up with thousands of holiday lights, there's a strong chance most of them, or even all of them are LED based lights. One big reason for the switch is that LED lights cost less to run than the old fashioned and traditional lights of yesteryear. Also, many people are finding that they need to replace those old lights, and the best options for resplacement are LED based lights.

The more advanced technology in LED lighting also allows for much more technical light displays. Instead of just having one color in a single bulb, there are lighting strings available that incorporate all of the lights in the string in every single bulb. This makes for a fantastic light show. Not only that, but the lights are much brighter, making the displays more vibrant than those traditional bulbs of yesteryear. The switch to LED's for Christmas tree lights may also be saving lives. Did you know that LED's are cool to the touch when on? You can't say that for the old bulb style of light. This makes for a dramatically lessened fire hazard wherever you place the lights. LED's save energy and might even be saving lives during the holidays!

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Overview of Lighting Types and Their Uses

There are many different types of lighting in use today. From lights we use in our home to lights we see all around us as we walk around a city. Here's an overview of the many different types, what they do and how they are used.


Luminaires are commonly referred to as lamps (table lamps, floor lamps, desk lamps) or light fixtures. Luminaires are devices that use lamps to direct lighting and can include portable fixtures such as floor and table luminaires. They can also be permanently mounted in ceilings and on walls.


The use of light in buildings, known as architectural lighting, is important for everyday activities. In addition to providing illumination for vision, architectural lighting can invite visitors in, persuade shoppers to buy, relax hotel guests or restaurant patrons, and create nearly any effect or mood.


Daylighting reduces the need for electric lighting by taking advantage of daylight using an ideal placement of windows and skylights and with the use of lighting controls that can monitor available daylight and respond as needed.


Industrial is used in and around factories, power plants, quarries, etc. and is often designed to illuminate large areas with the brightest possible light. LED lighting is often used in this situation.


Commercial is used by businesses such as offices and stores. Commercial lighting can involve architectural, outdoor, security lighting, and more.


Residential lighting affects virtually everyone and is often overlooked when it comes to design. Effective residential lighting will provide sufficient illumination needed to perform household tasks, be comfortable and be controlled easily.


Institutional is used in and around hospitals, schools and public buildings, and is often designed especially for specific tasks and uses. Hospitals, for example, require specialized systems for operating rooms, laboratories, patient rooms and other areas.


Transportation refers to far more than headlamps on a vehicle. This emcompasses lighting through the entire roadway system and vehicle lighting (headlamps, interior lighting, instruments), roadway illumination systems (street lights), and roadway signaling (including options such as traffic signals, lane markers, crosswalk indicators).


Outdoor is a general term that can include residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, transportation, and other uses. Outdoor lighting applications may be designed to illuminate a specific areas such as a football field, or it may be designed to attract customers' attention such as store signs. Effective outdoor options will do its job without creating lit pollution.

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Tables Lamps For More Than Lighting

When we think of tables be it in a room or an office, table lamps always come into mind. This is from the conception of the idea of having something to hold the source of lighting while using the table like when reading, writing or just working on them. These table lamps come in different shapes, designs, colors, lighting mode and many other differences. These have allowed them to used to make separate statements like decorating or adding a taste to the entire room décor. Read more about them and their uses for more specific tasks like beautifying the room let alone the table alone.

Tips on how to use them for decoration purposes.

When you intend to use them for purposes other than lighting a few things should be considered. These are the factors that will determine whether the proposed statement is well established or you just missed everything out.

Things to consider;

· The color of the lamp, how well it blends with the table or how well the color you want does come out concerning the intentions and the final outlook.

· Their design, there are those that have the old model design while other represent the modern makes. If you want to give an ancient atmosphere, for example, a former model will be fit, and it should be made of those materials used then.

· The material that makes the outer frame. Mostly they will constitute of a bulb holder, a cable to connect to a power source and the entire frame holding the lamp together. The frame material is what you should be concerned with; it should be of high quality to keep both its color and shape despite the heating by the bulb.

· How you control it. A table lamp should have a control mechanism like a switch, others are remotely controlled, but you cannot have the table lamp placed at the middle of the room where there is no power source to plug it in.

After establishing the above factors get yourself the most quality and energy efficient lamp for the table, one that will serve your purpose. The bulb used may be changed to suit your preference and ultimately give a different ambiance to the room.

How you arrange everything on the table should also matter, have as few objects on it as possible. Having a crowded table top may take away the focus from the table lamp. You can also arrange for example books on one corner of the table by stacking them.

Are you interested in buying Solid Wood Office tables? or Table Lamps visit the given links to know more and order.
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Light Installers Have Done Wonders for My House on Christmas

Over the last 6 years, the Holiday Industry has experienced a tremendous growth of more than 800%, taking into consideration the fact that residential homeowners and professional business owners usually spend more than $200 million on every holiday season.

Fairy bulbs are used for celebration of the most beautiful holiday on Earth. In ancient times, the trees were all embellish with candles, as a symbol of Christ representing the light of the whole world. These incredible customs were brought in early modern Germany by Christians and nowadays, we all get to enjoy the holiday spirit.

These modern days, the ornaments considered to be the most commonly used are battery powered because they come in a wide range of styles and shapes, being used for outdoor or indoor ornamentations. In comparison to the indoor versions, the outdoor ones are considered to be weather proof and more durable. Another aspect that you should know is the fact that traditional strings can be used only for three stands because anything more can become a fire risk and you don't want to experience that, for sure. In addition to this, considering the fact that they don't ask for an outlet, the battery powered ones are definitely easier to use and there is no need of hiding power cords out of sight.

In addition to selecting the most breathtaking Christmas lights hanging service, you should also think about a theme for your decorations that will blend with the other features of your house or garden. The most popular themes that you could consider are: the nativity theme, the magical winder land or the trendy green theme. Besides them, there are many other creative and individualistic themes that you could choose according to your style.

However, not many people are big fans of hanging out electric installation on the house. The chore is not so easy, especially since individuals wrap up the installation after taking them out without too much organization. Next year, when they have to hang it once again, they have to untangle everything, check the electric cables and make sure they are functional and begin hanging them. There is also another issue, climbing on the house to reach the roof and all corners. It is a risky job, as you never know how the ladder becomes unstable and accidents occur. It happened on many occasions. Other situations include elders and people who live alone; they don't have someone to help them with this job and they often choose to give up the idea of designing the house. That's a pity, right?

On the market, there are available plenty of professional that provide excellent services. They will come by the house and hang all the ornaments you want, so that everyone gets to enjoy the holiday spirit. Professionals will know exactly how to help you better, how to enhance houses in the best manner possible and even help people have the best house in the neighborhood. These adornments are extremely important because they help people get into that cheerful mood and they tell them that the best time of the year is just around the corner. There are many types of lights available, colorful and with various effects and there is no doubt you'll find something for your preference and your style. There is no question about it, having a boring house in your neighborhood is out of discussion.

Having some professional installers by your side, you will be able to focus on other important aspects, like cleaning your house or making cookies with your kids. Everybody knows that holidays can be quite stressful and hectic, especially when many people are most of the times around the house, when cleaning has to be done, cooking, shopping, and decorating the Christmas tree and such. There is little time left to enjoy what really matters, time with the family. Hanging out ornaments is not an easy task and people are never happy with the chore. There is no need to do it anymore, as professional service provides the opportunity to leave the task in the hands of experts. Enjoy the free time to do what you like the most during the holidays and spend more time with people that bring happiness in your life.

What can be better than this? Some highly dedicated and experienced professionals will discuss with each client individually and they try to understand their needs, what they expect from them, if they have special requests and they want to custom their home in a certain manner, adopt a theme, a color scheme and such. To be able to provide a quote for light installation professionals will take into account several aspects and they will come up with an answer as soon as possible. To make things even better, most of these professionals are insured and licensed; therefore, you don't have to worry in case something happens while they are on the job, as they are covered and you have peace of mind.

In addition to this, these reliable and trustworthy companies don't just hang the cables and leave the house after the holidays as it is. Usually, the worst part is taking these down and storing them in the garage, attic, basement or such. Because people want to get the job done as fast as possible, they don't care about how they organize decorations and they end up tangled and hard to manipulate. You can count on them even after the holidays, as their Christmas service include takedown. You can arrange with them when they can come by the house and take down all ornaments and store them in any location you need. Just imagine the free time you can have and the energy that you get to save. Nothing compares to it and you don't even have to invest a lot of money into the process. Some might believe that a considerable budget is needed or that such services are expensive and out of their hands, but it is certainly not the case.

There are some people that take this job very seriously and they don't settle with what shops provide or what they see in their neighborhoods. They want something else, they have their own vision and they are not afraid to show it to everyone around. It is true that there are so many wonderful improvements and so many ideas that can be applied. A company can provide reindeer and garlands, wreaths and so many more designs. It would be a shame not accomplishing your dreams of making the house spectacular. When there are such services at your disposal, there are no limitations.

To conclude with, as seen, most of your local professionals will cater all houses, of all sizes and all requirements and clients. Nothing is impossible when you have the right installers by your side and thanks to their experience in the field, you can get ideas and recommendations from them. They are able to share their knowledge and creations and together you can come up with the ideal scheme to decorate the house. Services are created for all budgets and for all requests, so you will certainly find something to suit your needs, no matter if you simply want to hang some holiday symbols or you want to do everything with style and grandeur. The chore does not have to be so tiring and upsetting, not to mention that many people postpone it as much as possible.
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What To Know When Buying LED Downlights

LED downlights are easy to install and are the best when you want to have the dimmable aspect in the room, they are energy efficient and have been proved to last longer than other kind of bulbs. This has therefore raised their numbers in the market and it thus needs proper know how on the different types in line with what you want. This articles touches on the main considerations you ought to pay attention to whenever you thinking of purchasing some LED downlights.

What you should know when buying LED downlights.

The first aspect is energy consumption, how much bill are you willing to pay? Despite LED bulbs being energy efficient more bright light will mean more energy use. Compare the wattage and if they prove to be saving while delivering the right amount of light then go for them.

Mode of installations, this points out to the different ways used to install LED downlights for example when using the recessed type of installation the ceiling should not be too high, otherwise when the distance is too long more energy may be required to light up the space.

LED bulbs do not all work with universal or previous installed dimmers, it is therefore advisable to purchase a package that come with its own set of dimming installations in order to have the right light effect whenever needed.

You should also know that they come in different colors and varying quality of light. This is however dictated by personal preferences and the temperament they want to create. For example one may prefer those with reasonable CRI value which is common with most people. CRI value is the degree in which a light source is able to portray objects in their realistic color.

The right LED bulbs should be in compliance with safety compliance measure that have been illustrated by the law. Whenever you want to buy these bulbs make sure that they do not violate any of the safety guidelines to avoid dangers.

The other aspect is their use, for example for commercial use there are guidelines according to each building and they must be adhered to. For home and domestic uses the owner is in charge and is only bound by the state laws on energy and their budget.


LED downlights are the best lighting installations in any set up, they come with more advantages than any other and are guaranteed to last you for a sensible duration without losing their brilliance.

Are you interested in LED Panel Downlights? We also have LED T8 Tubes visit the given links to know more and order.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Centerpieces to Spice Up the Dining Room

Did you know that a centerpiece can be a generic item that is not only used for events or a dinner party? Centerpieces give the dining room a more interesting and homely atmosphere. Plus it can add to the decor of the room.

Before starting with the decoration, you should decide on whether to use a tablecloth or runner. Many people will choose a runner to protect the wooden furnishing from scratching and staining plus it looks modern and elegant. The tablecloth and runner also does not need to match the curtains but if a carpet is present, make sure that the colour suits the carpet. Alternatively, you can use contrasting colours such as black and white, yellow and red, or perhaps purple and green.

Centerpieces can be more than just flowers and candles. They can also be a combination of decor items or something completely out of this world and abstract.

The item that will be used as the main focus should be in a different colour than that of the tablecloth or runner. Try to avoid blending the same colour decor items so that guests can actually see the distinctive decor elements. The only exception to this decor rule is the use of transparent glasses and vases.

A trend that is taking wedding venues by storm is the upside down wine glass containing an item of sentimental value and a candle placed on top. This centerpiece is placed on a dark plate that accentuates the glossiness of the wine glass. This should be done in sets of three for a wholesome look.

Filling a tumbler (a tall glass) halfway with beads in the colour of your choice might seem generic. So try topping the bead filled glass with water and placing three of these tumblers on a reflective plate. This is a simple yet gorgeous centerpiece that won't take too much effort to construct.

Sometimes people travel to different parts of the world and tend to buy souvenirs such as a bottle of local gem stones. However, when you get home you realise that you don't have any use for these gem stones. Filling small mason jars with either a specific type of stone or mixing them could give the room a rustic appearance. You can either top the jar up with water or place a tea candle on top of the gems.

Modern furniture can be an artistic piece on its own but adding interesting centerpieces with a personal touch will give your house that homely touch.

We have been servicing customers for over 20 years. With branches in Alberton, Kya Sand, Cosmo City, Midrand, Fourways and Randburg. We cover the greater part of Johannesburg. We source a variety of products, mostly from local manufacturers. Our local supplier base allows us to provide quality furniture at reasonable prices. We pride ourselves on offering our customers the best service available.

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Home Decorating for the Beginner

Before beginning your project, think about how you will use the room. For example, in the bedroom obviously you will have the bed; however, will you select a lovely armoire to become a central point for the room or will you need to spare a large area for your work out equipment? Will you use your dining room for formal entertaining or will you turn it into the home office? If you are decorating your family room, will your entertainment area be huge or will a pool table occupy most of the room? It is always helpful to make a floor plan for each room before actually getting started. Measure the room so that when picking out your furniture you will have enough space to fit all of your selections.

Next, think about how often you plan to use the room. This will help you in deciding the amount you will spend for your decorating project, the colors to use, and the pieces of furniture you will need. If you are on a tight budget; you will spend less on the guest room, which will only be used once in a while, compared to what you will pay for a master bedroom which you will use every day. Also the guest room is a great place to experiment with bold shades, extravagant items, and different design. However, a master bedroom needs to be done in a color that is familiar and soothing; while including furniture that is practical and useful.

Often, we want to decorate our home using our favorite color. Depending on the color, you probably aren't going to use that color to paint an entire room. However, you can use your favorite color to accent any room in your house. Using paintings, flowers, towels, and multi-colored accent pieces will bring that desired hue to any room. Adding pillows and area rugs to your decor will not only give your room color, but will also add comfort. Accents will help your favorite color stand out and will become the focal point of your room.

Another thing to consider when choosing colors for your room is what feeling do you want your space to express? Warm colors like red, orange, and yellow will create a cheerful mood; and cool colors like blue, green, and violet tend to be more relaxed or calming. If your space has dark corners or shaded light throughout the day, you should choose colors that make the area bright, even on very dark days.

When you consider interior design, you should view your home as a totality instead of attempting to decorate every room with unique colors and themes. Make an effort to have the same theme or style in all of your rooms. You can make your rooms uniform by forming a color scheme. Select three or four colors then utilize them in different ways all over the house.

If your room gets direct sunlight all through the day, your window decor is a great way to make your room pop while helping to control the light. You definitely want your window decor to be functional. Whether you are adding elegant draperies, simple fabrics, or shades; the window decor will make a great, eye-catching decorative piece. Alternatively, decorative lamps will add the artificial light your room might need.

When decorating a room, often the big wall space becomes intimidating. Adding wall decor like a big clock, a painting, family pictures, or many other decor can take a boring space and bring it to life. With a little imagination your wall can be transformed from a dull wall.

These tips for the beginner are just the first step toward creating a home that expresses your personality and style. Once you get started, you will come up with your own ideas and will soon have the home of your dreams.

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A Few Golden Truths of Travertine Tiles Explained

The countryside attractiveness of the natural stone named travertine appeals to many. Basically, travertine is a kind of limestone that is born around mineral springs. Earthy tones are several and the finishes may be honed, polished or tumbled, according to preferences. Where will you use them? Besides floors, put them on pathways, countertops and backsplashes, around bathroom showers too. They shine everywhere.

Since travertine may not be the best choice for all, investigate four points in favor and four against, allowing you to make informed decisions.

What is great about travertine like Machu Picchu Travertine Tile

An exclusive pattern

An age old building stone, travertine is graceful and smart, some varieties resembling marble and granite too. Cream and beige, gold and brown, gray and red, get what you fancy, all created by Mother Nature.

A robust stone that lasts very long

High traffic areas do not bother the sturdy travertine that tolerates wet areas, not prone to moisture. Scratching and chipping are not issues either. The weathering of time renders travertine like Caramel Travertine even more attractive.

Travertine is both recycled and biodegrades

A natural stone that involves no manufacture, travertine could be salvaged if you wish from an old structure.

Travertine allows for refurbishing
Years of harsh use may damage travertine. The broken tiles could be easily replaced if a few extra tiles were initially bought during installation to get the closest matches. Walnut Vein Cut Travertine is one of those wonders.

A few weak points about Travertine Tile

A costly investment
Compared to some other tile flooring options, travertine is costly, though it occupies the middle range. In addition to the tile cost is the expense on adhesives, grout and labor.

Difficult to maintain
Since travertine like Picasso Travertine is porous with so many little holes, spilling acidic substances like lemon juice would result in stains. In order to protect the surface, you need two sealing treatments during installation, a penetrating sealer and a surface sealer. Resealing would be needed from time to time. Avoid cleaners with salt and vinegar because they would leave indelible stains.

A weighty stone
Travertine being heavy, installations take longer. Transport costs would be higher. They would probably be used only on the first floor.

Do you fancy cold floors?

Travertine does not trap the heat and the result would be chilly floors on those winter mornings. Rugs would help visually too, besides maintaining warmth. Tuscany Chateaux Travertine is a superb example.

Think of the pros and cons and decide if you really want travertine around the home. Check out the travertine pavers and tile varieties at the online gallery.

The writer of this article worked in the tile business in several countries, originating in India. He particularly recommends the classic brick design, the mysterious arabesque and the wonderful 3D, among the mosaic or tile collection. Mosaics and Tile deals with a mighty collection.
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Thursday, April 5, 2018

For Those Who Prefer the Herringbone Tile Designs in an Age of Mosaics

Much has changed in the last few decades in almost every sector of life like with architectural designs and building materials, floor and wall surfaces and the fittings. Contemporary people want everything to be eye-catching as if part of a television show! In terms of colors, the bright and the lustrous are preferred. Some do opt for minimalist designs that contrast blacks and whites in a sterile setting.

Herringbone and chevron are quite similar and very popular. The difference is rectangles and angles. Besides architecture and tile designs, the herringbone pattern is found in jewelry, clothing, wallpaper and several others.

Floor and wall design options

Perhaps for hundreds of years since the Middle Ages, floors were restricted in terms of patterns. The usual flooring was made up of cement and of a few fixed shades. The only alternatives were marble or other forms of natural stone that only the privileged class could afford. Wood also served for excellent flooring, especially in areas where it was found in ample quantity like in forested areas. Wooden floors continue to be loved, but natural wood is costly and prone to decay amidst water.

In love with designer options, it is only natural that a variety of patterns are artistically sketched on the tiles through technology. A variety of surfaces may be printed through inkjet technology like copies of cement, cloth, greenery, oceans, wood, and stone on porcelains. Such surface textures appear very real indeed and it is hard to tell the difference!

Among squares and rectangles, triangles and basketweave patterns and so many others, the herringbone design or the skeleton of the fish is very popular. Complex abstract designs are also in vogue like the natural appearances found on marble surfaces. Imitations of ethnic symbols like the different Asian and African cultures and their dresses and headgear, lamp, temple and building designs are marketed too.

The basic herringbone pattern is replicated in a great variety of shapes and designs, proportions and colors. The crisscrossing design is found in many forms and colors, on various materials in aesthetic shapes. The interiors particularly need to be rather glossy and environments that use marble look rather lavish. The herringbone or the crisscrossing pattern may be used on a variety of materials is preferred. Choices of colors are endless, whether it is plain colors or a mosaic of shades and materials. Matte or glazed surface textures present another choice.

An abundance of flooring materials

Similar tile materials may be installed on floors and walls, though high traffic areas like business floors should go in for something durable like natural stone. Care needs to be taken to make sure that the sealing is done initially and repeated regularly if required. Wet and moisture-prone areas would avoid natural wood and any porous materials that would gradually lead to decay. Wood cannot be used in wet areas, though wood look porcelains would be fine.

What about blends of glass, metal, and stone to create exotic effects? Even glass tiles fill the interior with light and color! Natural stone mosaics too would harm the heart and amaze the vision with the play of colors and light and shade. The materials could be as light and breezy or dark and mysterious as desired.

The herringbone engineered wood flooring

The fishbone pattern created to perfection with sturdy wood like oak. The strips are fitted together to create that triangular effect. Genuine wood floors may be rather uncommon in view of the cost factor but some do swear by it in aristocratic homes. A few families always followed that noble heritage of wooden floors and will not give it up. Colors and shades could differ, depending upon the variety of wood being used, from almost whites to grays and browns, richly polished and insulating against heat and cold.

With a diversity of picturesque names and shades, the herringbone flooring tiles available online is mind-blowing! Choices would be infinitely complex indeed, but consensus must be reached by the family or office group. The trick is to select two or three designs and then set up borders or accents, blending or contrasting colors and designs for a rich effect.

If you visit the online store you will get to know how amazing collections of tiles we have in our store. You can choose the best one from their huge range of varieties. Quality wise almost all products are recommendable. Cost effective pricing added the value to it.
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Friday, March 9, 2018

Top 5 Tips to Remember for Choosing a Bi-Fold Door

One of the biggest concerns for modern house owners is Space. In such scenario, a bi-fold door is a blessing in disguise. A bi-fold door is a door that slides wide open from the middle instead of swinging open like the normal doors do. The door is made from a series of panels that folds up against the wall. The door is gaining a lot of popularity as it gives great dimension to people seeking stylish and practical solutions to their door.

A variety of bi-fold doors are available in the market. The bi-fold doors commonly available in the market are made of materials such as wood, UPVC, and aluminium. A readymade bi-fold is easy to install and clean. A custom door is a better choice if you want to bring out your taste of personal space and creativity. In bringing out the perfect bi-fold door for your house, there are certain things you need to consider. Now, let us dig deeper to find out some of the things to remember while choosing a bi-fold door.

• The first thing you need to understand is to make sure that you have measured out space accurately. Doing this, you can find the right door to suit the space that is available. Depending upon the space available, you can fix the doors to open inwards or outwards.

• These doors give you the option to be fixed in internal or external rooms. Bi-fold doors are best suited for small space rooms like laundry, kitchen pantry. They are also ideal for any connecting rooms such as dining room, living room and other rooms that open to courtyard or gardens.

• Make sure that your custom door finds the right design that matches the décor of the house. For example, if you have a traditional home, try to find the design and colour that matches. Or if you have a modern home, improvise some modern vibe that can match the style of the house.

• It is important to know your budget. The doors are also available in various range of prices. If any additional cost is well within your budget, you can go for blinds that can give you privacy and shade to the rooms the doors are fitted in. Blinds are also available in a range of colours and style.

• You will need to ensure that the door you choose for your house is up to the latest approved standards having a minimum of five to six lever key cylinders. To make it even more secure, if security is your sole concern, you will have to make sure that the hinges should be strong enough to survive break-in attempts.

The door does the simple mechanism of open the door in a quiet and smooth motion. They are quite likeable for modern house owners as they offer ample amount of space. Not only does it give advantages over other conventional doors but it gives modern creative vibes to your house.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Why Silk Is an Ideal Fabric for Home Furnishing

Awesome sheen, luxurious appeal, superior strength and lovely warmth are just some of the features of silk that make it a gorgeous fabric. Did you know, there is much more to silk than just clothing. These threads of luxury have numerous applications owing to their versatility, durability and charm. And the best of them all, it is absolutely natural. It's inherent strength makes it the perfect fabric for modern furnishing needs.

It is an amazing fabric owing to the plethora of features it offers:
• One of the most important traits of silk is its breathability. It is ideal to provide warmth on cold days and keep you cool on warm days. It is thus an ideal all-weather fabric for all your clothing needs. This virtue also makes it suitable for home furnishings. Yes, you read that right, your curtains and furnishings no longer need to be synthetics. Your taste for luxury can be well fulfilled by the gorgeous silk.
• It has superior water absorption properties. It can absorb water equivalent to nearly 1/3 of its weight before it feels wet. The furniture in your Porsche or that exposed to the kids can do just well with those occasional spills.
• It is an ideal fabric for moist and humid weathers for its moisture-wicking properties are simply amazing. This way it is apt for use around the year irrespective of season and weather.
• It's superior insulation properties preserve your body heat during those chilly winter months.
• It is naturally designed in a way to prevent mould and mildew. You can stay carefree about your furniture when the atmosphere is moist.
• If you have sensitive skin or there are kids around, silk is the perfect option due to its hypoallergenic properties. Skin irritation stays at bay with silk and can aggravate easily with synthetic or mixed fabrics.
• It is a treat for the eyes with its luxurious appeal and alluring lustre. Silk in your furnishings is sure to woo your guests with its beauty and aura that it creates.
• Clinging and creasing is a rare occurrence because silk fabrics are static free. Your furnishings stay spick and span and low maintenance.
• The elasticity of silk threads adds to its durability. The threads can stretch a lot without breaking.
• You can achieve the perfect opacity with your curtains and drapes if you use silk.
• Silk fabric is bio-degradable and you do not have to hurt the environment for your fabric needs.
• It is very easy to take care of silk and it stands the test of time without losing its opulence. It makes a slice of legacy and can be passed down for generations.

The class and sheen that silk exudes are amazing, there are numerous options out there to embrace the luxury and make it adorn your spaces.

Among all gorgeous silks, the Eri silk from Assam is an awesome option that offers strength, durability and appeal and is also environmentally sustainable. The gorgeous charm of Eri silk makes it appropriate for all home furnishing needs. It is a pretty versatile fabric. Bring home Eris silk today and exude an aura to impress all your visitors and also to facilitate a cosy and warm environment so you come home to luxury each day.

ERIS is India's leading Assam silk manufacturer, exporter. We have taken the traditional hand-spun Assam silk and sculpted it into finer, more durable yarn that is perfect for the fashion and home furnishings markets. Eri's most noteworthy aspect is that it does not involve the killing of silkworms. The fibre is extracted from open-mouthed cocoons where silkworms are allowed to grow into moths. Unlike other types of silk, the silkworms are not killed to acquire the fibre.

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